
David Meerman Scott gave Egyptians the rules of digital marketing and asked them a question

On 15th jan 2013 i was lucky to meet David Meerman Scott in Fairmont heliopolis in a one day seminar in Cairo.David Meerman Scott is a professional digital marketing , marketing, leadership, social media speaker and the author of 8 books including 3 international bestsellers.

He is a recovering VP of marketing for two publicly traded technology companies and was also Asia marketing director for Knight-Ridder, at the time one of the world’s largest newspaper and electronic information companies.

The most  famous David’s book is: The New Rules of Marketing & PR opened people’s eyes to the new realities of marketing and public relations on the Web. Six months on the Business Week bestseller list and published in 26 languages from Bulgarian to Vietnamese. "New Rules", now in its third edition, is a modern business classic. Scott’s popular blog and hundreds of speaking engagements around the world give him a singular perspective on how businesses are implementing new strategies to reach buyers.

David has presented at industry conferences and events in over 82 countries and serves as an advisor to emerging companies including HubSpot, Eloqua, VisibleGains, Speakerfile, GutCheck, and Newstex.
David Meerman Scott visited the Pyramids and Tahrir Square and filmed a short video ..

Really this person is genious in marketing and shared many successful experments ,really if you heard David Meerman Scott while talking about social media then you can feel the magic you can do and touch the the power of social media when you see your traffic and catch first results in search engine (SERP).

here are some of powerful skills you should  do like writing a good and useful content by giving them information and educate them then you will get more engagments with you  and share your content on real time plus using online vedios and (QR) using social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases & viral marketing to reach buyers directly and give yourself a chance to let people talking about you the you will win free SEO plus ,remember that all experts said that content is 50% of SEO .then you can be a leader in your feild plus the massive profits you will gain.

David Meerman Scott gives Egyptians the rules of digital marketing and asked them a question

at the end of the vedio David Meerman Scott  gave his opinion about safe in Egypt  and made an invitation to the world to come to Egypt .

David Meerman Scott talked about  Wael Ghonim's book revolution 2.0: the power of the people is greater than the people in power , the book carrying many lessons, there is no doubt that his social networking and marketing skills led to a new "Revolution 2.0" model for political change.

The question of  David Meerman Scott  for Egyptians was :

-Social media drove the Egyptian revolution but can it bring the tourists back  ??

and finally he said :Let's hope social media can help bring the tourists back to Egypt.
Thanks for David Meerman Scott by visiting Egypt and inviting all world to come to visit Egypt in this time.


  1. Thank you for blogging about my visit to Egypt. I certainly hope that social media will help bring tourists back.

    1. you are welcome sir ,i think i learned alot from you ,i hope also social media will help bring tourists back, since the revelution started in Egypt i started my new website (and there is surprise for you if you visit it)and facebook page,
      really it was great to meet you in Egypt.
