
Matt Cutts| how to remove bad links Reporting In Google Webmaster Tools

Matt Cutts,head of Google's web spam team posted a vedio on YouTube explains " How do I know which links to remove when I get an "unnatural links" message?" in two waysto find the un natural links to avoid cosidering a spam .

Replying a question came from dbizzle, Los Angeles "Google Webmaster Tools says I have "unnatural links," but gives little help as to which specific links are bad. Since I have never purchased links, I don't know which ones to have removed, and I'm scared of removing good ones, which will hurt my traffic. Suggestions?"

1- Google  is sending examples of unnatural links in their unnatural link warning emails. This is rolled out and Google will give you examples of what types of links they see as being bad to remove.

2- If it is a recent warning to you , you can always see your most recent links within Google Webmaster Tools account .

here is Matt Cutts vedio:

check your mail and check your web master tool account for un natural links using Disavow Links Tool.

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