
best webhosting service|what is hostgator|best web hosting 2013

Hostgator is the leading hosting services provider and is well-known among the people and firms who own or run a website. Serving over a million of customers from different part of the globe Hostgator provides dynamic hosting with 99.99% uptime capacity. Using hostgator coupon enables you to get a perfect hosting plan at discounted prices.

HostGator is a web hosting provider founded in 2002 by Brent Oxley, an alumnus from Florida Atlantic University. Six years after its incorporation, HostGator was named the Number One fastest growing company in Houston by Inc. Magazine. 2008 was also the year HostGator decided to actively participate in protecting the environment by purchasing certified Renewable Energy Credits....
HostGator FREE $100 Google AdWords Credit

Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine with 90% of online search share (source: StatCounter). This indicates that Google’s reach is extremely vast and there lies great advertising potential. Google AdWords is one online advertising method where advertisers’ messages will appear in the “sponsored links” section in Google’s search results whenever a search is made using the advertisers’ selected keywords, as well as appear in websites which display Google’s AdSense...
HostGator is one of the most popular web hosts for several reasons. Prices are competitive, freebies such as site builder, web templates and transfer services are thrown in, scripts can be installed easily and users get $100 worth of Google AdWords credits. Technical support is also efficient and effective. On top of that, HostGator is preferred for its compatibility with WordPress, the largest and most widely used blogging platform. Jetpack Sometime last month...
HostGator has grown massively from being run in a dorm room to hosting its current 250,000 customers owning 4.9 million domains in 200 countries. In 2002, Brent Oxley, the founder and CEO, had just three servers to start with, placed in his room. It is hard to imagine that the successful HostGator we see today had come from such humble beginnings. Based in Houston, Texas, HostGator offers a wide range of hosting...

What areHostgator Features  ?
All hosting accounts include:
Unlimited Disk space and Bandwidth
Free Site Building Tools and Templates
4500 Free Website Templates
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
45 Day Money Back Guarantee
$100 Google AdWords Credit
24/7/365 Award Winning Technical Support
Easy to use Control Panel & much more

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advice: when purchasing a hosting plan for a period that is more than 6 months you should use the 25% off coupon as this will increase your savings appreciably. Your savings will increase according to the length of time you choose to pay for upfront.

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