
Twitter Tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. social media marketing (SMM)   consider as one of most important marketing  factors.. some times may you need some tools helping you increasing your targeted  audience and not have the time to build i'll show you one of social media marketing automated marketing tools.

Twitter one of major social media sites but  let's imagine  how will be your twitter account /accounts with Twett Adder  .  .
Twett Adder is a Twitter automatic marketing software that helps you to build a targeted and related audince easy ..

How can i get twitter followers?
you can build your audience based on a keyword. Refer to the profile data search photo above. you should  target the right audience to catch more conversions.keyword search is great tool of Tweet Adder 

-Tweet Adder contains profile data search options capable of searching for people to follow based upon  their twitter bio’s.
-Search by geographic location around the world.
-Twitter list search can import another users twitter list.
-Create a list to follow based on people following a particular user.
-Create a list to follow based on who a particular person follows.

twitter tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

How can i get  twitter targeted and related followers easy?
-language spoken
-ability to remove profiles with default picture
-ability to remove profiles with urls in tweets or biography

Tweet Adder is a full featured Twitter management program; Its real power is in quickly and safely building a huge following of Twitter followers for your Twitter account.Tweetadder is a tool that allows you to perform all of the normal functions of Twitter from one app.

Choose your target audience with Tweet Ad:
 You could search for niche-focused keywords to find people who might be interested in your blog, product, or you can select someone and follow their followers.

twitter tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

Full menu of Auto Follow and Auto Unfollow Benefits

Automated Following Features
Never follow the same person twice
Special BlackList to block following to specific people
Auto Follow Twitter Users – Fully Control Twitter following with Follower Ratio, Max # of follows per day
Auto Follow Stop Feature – Automatically stops when Twitter follow limits are reached
Random Time Delay Settings- You choose what time intervals between follows, unfollows, tweets, and direct messages
Thank you Direct Messaging – sends messages to your new followers
Standard Direct Messaging – Sends messages to your followers
Twitter Current Trends and Historical Trends Research

twitter tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

Automated UnFollowing Features:
Unfollow: Use the Unfollow tab to remove people whom you are following that are not following you in return. If you have chosen to follow to many people you may want to use this option to remove the people that chose not to follow you.

Ability to unfollow ALL except your personal WHITELIST
Auto Unfollow Twitter Users: Unfollow by #, follower to follow ratios, users who do not follow back with time frames
Safe White List: Create a list of twitter users to never unfollow
Full History of Followers and Following

twitter tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

How many Twitter Accounts i can Manageme?
You can manage more than one twitter profile. This will multiply your twitter networking spread out amongst several different twitter profiles. You can also manage advertising and public relations client’s profiles as a twitter service. Use our program on an unlimited number of Twitter profiles with the Tweet Adder Platinum! Run Multiple Profiles Concurrently: Select the as many of your profiles as you wish, and the software will run through each account automatically and complete your automated tasks with one instance of the software open!

twitter tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

Powerful Automated Tweet Posting and Direct Messaging
Automate Twitter Posts, Automatic Tweet helps you to keep your twitter profiles active, engaging, and interesting to keep your followers from leaving you. You can set up a multitude of tweets in the software, and allow the software to spread them out through out the day to keep you actively involved on twitter while you enjoy yourself with your free time.

Black List / White List:
Black list:This option available to you in Tweet Adder ,it controls what you do with certain users. Adding users to the black list will prevent Tweet Adder from ever following spammy persons. 
White list:users you add to white list will prevent Tweet Adder from ever UnFollowing them. 

Automated Tweet Features:
Tweets: Tweetadder can be used to send out tweets at any time or date you set.
Automated Tweets post throughout the day
Post Tweets to Facebook, Linkedin, and Myspace!!
Unique Tweet Generator – creates unique tweets automatically
RSS Tweets – tweets any RSS feed whether from your blog updates, or any other source
@Reply Tweets – post a random tweet @someone who posts a tweet directed @you
Re-Tweets- Automatically retweet another user
Url shortener – Shorten long URLs automatically
Mp3 Poster – Bands and artists can upload Mp3s to and share on twitter
Symbols – Access to special UTF8 characters like stars, arrows, and smileys
Link History – Easy access to previously shortened URLs and Mp3s
Post Tweets with random time delay
Automate Direct Messages

twitter tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

twitter tools | how can i get twitter targeted and related followers easy

Proxy List Imports ..?
Public and Private Proxy support. Proxies are not needed, but they are fully supported for power users who want them

Tweet Adder Pricing Options:

Tweet Adder is sold as a one time purchase for lifetime use.The license you purchase will ultimately depend on how many Twitter profiles you plan on automating. The options look like this:

I hope that my article on the new automatic software Tweetadder helped you decide to download it,  try now to see the magic of Tweetadder.

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